Sunday, March 31, 2013


Elaine Alexander: Dr. Brusch have you studied Essiac's effect on cancer
patients under controlled conditions at your clinic?

Dr. Brusch: Yes I have!

Elaine Alexander: Were the results significant, or were the results as some
medical professionals have asserted in the past, simply anecdotal?

Dr. Brusch: Highly significant!

Elaine Alexander: Does Essiac have any side effects?

Dr. Brusch: None.

Elaine Alexander: Dr. Brusch, let's get right to the point. Are you saying
Essiac can help people with cancer, or are you saying that Essiac is a cure for

Dr. Brusch: I'm saying it's a cure!

Elaine Alexander: Would you repeat that once more Dr. Brusch?

Dr. Brusch: Yes, I would be glad to. Essiac is a cure for cancer. I've seen it
reverse and eliminate cancers at such a progressed rate that nothing medical
science currently has (1990s) could have accomplished similar results. I
wouldn't have believed it myself had I not seen it with my own eyes. I feel very
strongly that Essiac is the single most beneficial treatment for cancer today.

From the book "The Essiac Report Canada's Remarkable Unknown Cancer Remedy" by Richard Thomas.

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